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Religieuse à la fraise

Religieuse à la fraise

A collaboration between Kaori Ito and Olivier Martin-Salvan

With Religieuse à la fraise [Strawberry cream puff], the choreographer Kaori Ito and the performer Olivier Martin-Salvan make light of their bodily and cultural differences to better dismantle the stereotypes attached to them. An extraordinary performance where the body is no longer a vector of stigmatisation but a tool of emancipation.


Time length : 30min

Artistic direction and conception: Kaori Ito, Olivier Martin-Salvan et Benjamin Lazar
Performers: Kaori Ito et Olivier Martin-Salvan
Choreographic assistance : Gabriel Ken Yoeng Wong
Costumes collaboration : Julia Brochier
Stage management : Mathilde Hennegrave
Production / distribution : Colomba Ambroselli
With thanks to : Séverine Chavrier, Julien Mages, Benjamin Pech, Corinne Petitpierre

Production : Tsen Productions
Contact : Colomba Ambroselli – 06 72 87 45  – colomba.ambro@orange.fr

Coproduction : SACD / Festival d’Avignon (created in 2014 as part of des Sujets à Vif),
Le Quartz – Scène Nationale de Brest, Festival Paris quartier d’été

With the support of  the Centre National de la Danse, the Ménagerie de Verre as part of the Studiolab and the Théâtre Athénée Louis Jouvet.


• Compagnie Himé receives funding from the BNP Paribas Foundation for the entirety of its projects.
• Compagnie Himé is supported by the French Culture Ministry – DRAC Ile de France, by the Île-de-France Region and the Val-de-Marne Department.
• Kaori Ito is an associate artist with Centre dramatique national de Normandie-Rouen, MAC Créteil and CENTQUATRE in Paris.
• Compagnie Himé is in artistic companionship with KLAP Maison pour la Danse and in residency at Fontenay en scène and at Théâtre du Fil de l’eau – Ville de Pantin
• The Compagnie Himé residency at Théâtre du Fil de l’eau – Ville de Pantin is supported by the Seine-Saint-Denis Departement.